Join the Community
Eat. Pray. Love… Irish Style.
Join us for Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity.
The purpose of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, Inc is to:
Promote Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity
Foster and sustain loyalty to the Roman Catholic Church and the United States of
America among its members
Aid and advance, by all legitimate means, the aspirations and endeavors of the Irish people to achieve complete and absolute independence
Foster the ideals, perpetuate the history and traditions, and promote the culture of the Irish people
Connect to your Irish heritage
Sponsor an Irish History Contest, Irish American Award at National History Day, and promote March as Irish American Heritage Month.
Build and foster friendships
Divisions in 30 States from coast to coast fostering a sisterhood of friendship with Irish American Catholic Women.
Give back to your community
Members share their time, talent and treasure to support local projects and organizations, specifically Church supported organizations and other Charities. Assistance and support
are provided directly to all in need, especially the hungry, homeless, women and children.